About Us

The Iowa State University Ames Flyers, formerly Flying Cyclones, is a student-run organization open to any member of the ISU community with an interest in aviation. Due to an Iowa State University Trademark decision in 2018, we had to change our name to Ames Flyers. You don’t need to have any experience to join. In fact, we encourage non-pilots to join! It’s a great opportunity to learn more about aviation!

The club currently meetings about once a week during the Fall and Spring semesters. We typically discuss upcoming trip plans, talk about the latest flying news, and share stories of what recent flying activities our members have been involved with. We also try to schedule speakers to discuss flying related topics.

In addition to our club meetings, we have many activities scheduled throughout the year. These have included recreational flights, classes for aspiring pilots, participation in intercollegiate air meets, and trips to various locations around the Midwest. If you’re interested in learning more, please join us at our next meeting orĀ email us.

The Ames Flyers is not a flight school. We do not own or operate any aircraft and we do not offer flight instruction. If you are interested in getting your private pilot’s license please still contact us and we can answer your questions and introduce you to the people in Ames who offer the flight instruction.